Tomasz Zwierzchoń as CTO in Brand Active

Tomasz Zwierzchoń as CTO in Brand Active

The Brand Active team expands with Tomasz Zwierzchoń who takes up a position of Chief Technology Officer (CTO).


Tomasz Zwierzchoń is an experienced Leader with many years of experience on positions such as: Head of Front End, IT Architect, Frontend Team Leader and Scrum Master. An advocate of Scrum, Kanban, BDD, TDD and JTBD. He puts emphasis on quality, successfully implementing Pair Programming and Code Reviews. He cooperated with Bank Pekao S.A. and IBM – one of the oldest IT companies in the world – during OpenBanking/PSD2 implementation. At ORBA he managed B2B and B2C eCommerce projects winning e-Commerce Poland Awards.


At Brand Active, Tomasz will be responsible for managing the development department, developing technology, co-creating BA strategy and scaling the team in cooperation with internal HR support. He will also be responsible for overseeing the internal OKRs, setting the highest standards in programming and data security. One of the main tasks will also be building relationships with partners and key customers and active participation in projects.


Cooperation with such an experienced person as Tomasz will allow us to be even more effective in adapting to the current trends and individual needs of our Customers, and to implement innovative projects with multi-level architecture.

Agnieszka Waliłko
Content specialist. Passionate about writing, she creates content and runs Social Media channels on a daily basis.

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