Marcin Rudzik

CEO at the Brand Active e-commerce agency, creator of the podcast "Merytorycznie o eCommerce", e-commerce mentor in AIP Incubators. He regularly appears at conferences and writes articles for industry magazines. A passionate firefighter in the Volunteer Fire Department.

PWA for Shopify Plus Stores

shopify plus pwa

According to the latest Shopify report, one of the five global ecommerce trends in 2021 is a record online competition to win the customer. You may think it is nothing new as online brands have always competed for the customer. The past year of the pandemic, however, has taken ecommerce sales to an all-time high, thus fuelling competition and driving up customer acquisition costs. Customer experience is the top differentiator in this online race and one thing you can do to capitalize on the eCommerce boom is to optimise for mobile and convert your site to a progressive web app.

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E-commerce and the coronavirus

The whole world economy is feeling the business effects of the coronavirus – COVID-19. The answer to what is going on are the stock exchanges, which are experiencing rapid declines. In all this there is e-commerce, a strong and dynamically developing branch of the market. It is thanks to online technology that today Poles can: do grocery shopping, do official business, provide themselves with entertainment or use e-learning.

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